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WordPressis a blogging platform developed usingthe PHP language .Userscan setuptheirownwebsiteson servers that supportPHPandMySQLdatabases . YoucanalsouseWordPressasa contentmanagementsystem ( CMS ). ...



WordPress is a blogging platform developed using the PHP language . Users can set up their own websites on servers that support PHP and MySQL databases . You can also use WordPress as a content management system ( CMS ).

WordPress is a personal blogging system , which has gradually evolved into a content management system software. It is developed using PHP language and MySQL database. Users can use their own blog on a server that supports PHP and MySQL database.

WordPress has many free templates developed by third parties, and the installation method is simple and easy to use. However, to make your own template, you need some expertise. For example, you must know at least one application of HTML code , CSS , PHP and other related knowledge under the standard universal markup language .


WordPress officially supports the Chinese version, and there are third-party Chinese language packs developed by fans , such as the wopus Chinese language pack. WordPress has thousands of plugins and countless theme template styles.

Software introduction

WordPress is a free open source project , the GNU General Public License authorization issued under.

WordPress 4.1 was released on December 23, 2014 with the codename "Dinah".

WordPress is considered the official successor to the blogging platform b2 / cafelog developed by Michel Valdrighi. The name "WordPress" comes from the idea of ​​Christine Selleck, a friend of the main developer Matt Mullenweg.

WordPress is powerful, has many plugins , and is easy to extend. Installation and use are very convenient.

The original version of WordPress is in English, UTF-8 , and version 4.1 was released on December 23, 2014.

Version 3.5.2 on June 22, 2013. Its version is nicknamed "Elvin" and is dedicated to drummer Elvin Jones and others. WordPress 3.5 requires a minimum PHP version of 5.2.4 (" PHP 6.0" provided by third parties is not supported ), and a mysql version of at least 5.0. In order to meet the growing demand of Chinese users, an official Chinese website has been opened and programs in Chinese can be downloaded. There are also enthusiasts who have developed a Chinese language pack to support Chinese.

Publishers using the WordPress platform account for about 10% of global websites. The official website of WordPress has 300 million unique monthly visitors.

Beginning with 3.0, WordPress has built-in multi-user blogging capabilities. You can set up a blog platform that supports multiple domain names with simple settings.

WordPress is one of the most widely used blogging systems in the world and is an open source PHP software. Due to the large number of users, the WordPress community is very active and has a wealth of plugin template resources. Use WordPress to quickly build an independent blog website.

WordPress is not only a blogging program , but also a CMS . Many non-blogging websites are also built with WordPress. [1]

Plug-in template

Rich plugins and templates are a very popular feature of WordPress. There are over 18,000 plugins in the WordPress plugin database, including SEO , controls, and more. Individuals can develop templates and plug-ins themselves according to the rules provided by its core program. These plugins can quickly change your blog into various types of sites such as cms , forums, and portals. WordPress Theme style templates are the most in the world's programs. The types are complex, the quality is commendable, and the styles are many. You only need to put different template files in the Theme directory of the space and you can freely change in the background. Whatever language pack you install, you can use these styles freely. You only need to upload the plug-in file to your FTP plugin directory, and you can enable management directly in the background. Even the more powerful plug-ins will have their own management directory appear in the background. It is as convenient as the program comes with these plug-ins. It contains almost all the functions that can be implemented on the Internet. The more famous plugins are:

Hello Dolly -fun ~ This is not an ordinary plug-in, it symbolizes the hope and passion of a generation, condensed into the four words of Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly. After enabling it, you can see an English original line from the "Qiao Hong Niang" musical in the upper right corner of each page of your site background.

wp slug translate -a very useful plugin, when you set up automatic filling of permalinks by article name, it can automatically translate it into English for you. If you are writing a Chinese blog, this is really useful to avoid garbled characters! --set slug by translate title or slug from Chinese to english with google translate or pinyin.

Link Manager- What about wordpress 3.5.1 links? !! It's okay, after installing this plugin, you will be back immediately! --Enables the Link Manager that existed in WordPress until version 3.5.

Most Popular Posts -ranked by the number of comments, showing popular posts! --Display a link to the most popular posts on your blog according to the number of comments.

MO Widgets -You can set the sidebar to display different content on different pages! --Useing it can easier to control your Widgets.Adds checkboxes to choose your Widget to show or hide on different pages; and add a Widget with support for including PHP.Thanks for Display widgets and Samsarin PHP Widget. It will make it easier for you to control your sidebar display. After installation and activation, it will be displayed on the widget page to control whether each widget is displayed on any page in the blog to achieve the effect of different sidebars on different pages. Generate a text widget that supports php language, make it easier for you to add your own sidebar widget. This plugin is modified based on Display widgets and Samsarin PHP Widget.

WP No Category Base-WPML compatible -remove "category" from URL of article category

Google XML Sitemaps -help your site be more easilyindexedbysearch engines like Google ! --This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like baidu

It is worth noting that because some websites have been qiang, individual plugins cannot be used, so they will not be listed here one by one!

Pros and cons



  1. WordPress is powerful and extensible. This is mainly due to its many plugins and easy to expand functions. Basically, a complete website should have all the functions that can be achieved through its third-party plugins.

  2. The blog built by wordpress is friendly to the seo search engine, the index is also fast, and the ranking is high;

  3. Suitable for DIY, if you are a website that likes rich content, then wordpress can fit your appetite very well.

  4. There are many themes, and a large part of the website are all WordPress themes. They are all kinds and everything!

  5. WordPress backup and website transfer are more convenient. After the original site is exported using the in-site tools, the WordPress Importer plugin can be used to easily import content into the new website.

  6. WordPress has strong community support, and tens of millions of developers contribute and review WordPress, so WordPress is safe and active.


  1. The initial content of the wordpress source system is basically just a framework, and it takes time to build it yourself;

  2. Although there are many plugins, you cannot install too many plugins, otherwise it will slow down the website speed and reduce the user experience;

  3. Free choice of server space!

  4. Poor staticization, to be precise, true staticization is not good. If you want to generate a truly static page for the entire website, you can't do it well. At most, you can only generate static pages for the homepage and article pages. Stand to implement pseudo-static!

  5. WordPress's blog program positioning, simple database layer, etc. are doomed to his inability to adapt to big data.

Software functions



Because of the strong scalability of WordPress, many websites have begun to use WordPress as a content management system to set up commercial websites. Features provided by WordPress include:

1. Articles are published, classified, archived, collected, and counted.

2. Provide RSS feeds of articles, comments, categories, and more .

3.Provide links to add and categorize functions.

4.Support comment management and spam filtering .

5.Supports direct editing and modification of multi-style CSS and PHP programs.

6. Outside the Blog system, add the required pages conveniently.

7. By setting various parameters, the blog is more personalized.

8. With the support of some plugins, static HTML page generation (such as WP-SUPER-CACHE) is implemented.

9. By selecting different themes, you can easily change the display effect of the page.

10.By adding plugins, you can provide a variety of special features.

11. Trackback and pingback are supported .

12. Support import function for some other blog software and platforms.

13. Support member registration and login, background management functions.


WYSIWYG article editor

Template system

Unified link management functions

PermaLink system optimized for search engines

Supports plug-ins that extend its capabilities

Articles can be classified into categories, and the same article can belong to multiple categories

TrackBack and Pingback features

Typesetting filters that produce appropriate text format and style

The ability to generate and use static pages

Multi-author co-authoring function

Can save a list of users who visited the website

Can block access from users in a certain IP range

Support for tags

Website construction process


1.Register a domain name

It is usually enough to register a .com domain name , and the price is not expensive, it is basically 70 yuan a year.

2. Apply for a virtual host

There are many web hosting operators. The domestic host is fast, but it is more expensive, and the space is generally small; the foreign host is cheap, and most of the space is not limited, but the speed is slower than the domestic host. How to choose depends on the positioning of your blog . If you just use blogs to write articles, it is recommended to use a domestic host. If you are building a forum or resource site and often need to upload attachments, it is best to choose a foreign host with unlimited space.

3. Bind your own domain name on the virtual host

Use the virtual host control panel to bind the requested domain name.

Most virtual host binding domain names are very simple, if you can't, you can find a virtual host customer service.

4. Download the WordPress program

Download the latest WordPress program on the WordPress Chinese website.

5. Modify the DNS resolution of the domain name

Why type your domain name into your browser and your homepage appears. This depends on DNS resolution. Domain name registrars will provide a domain name management system in which they can modify the DNS resolution of their domain names. Just resolve the DNS to the virtual host you purchased. The address of the virtual host can be viewed on the control panel of the virtual host provider, and it is usually displayed on the page where the domain name is bound.

6. Create a WordPress database

One advantage of foreign hosts is that they can create databases. Domestic hosts generally have to purchase separately.

Create a database in the control panel, and write down the four elements of the database host address , database name, user name, and password.

7. Modify the WordPress installation configuration file.

That is to modify the wp-config-sample.php file in the wordpress package, fill in the host address, database name, user name, and password entered in the corresponding location in step 6, and rename it to wp-config. php.

8. Upload the WordPress program to the ixwebhosting host domain space

This step can be uploaded using ftp . It's simple.

9. Visit the domain name /wp-admin/install.php for wordpress installation . Fill in blog information and email.

This step is the easiest, completely foolproof and automated. It is better to fill in the domain name mailbox of step 4 when filling in the mailbox. Of course, you can also fill in your own mailbox.

In addition, with the launch of the BAT cloud platform, building a website has become more convenient. For example, Baidu Cloud Platform already has related tutorials.


  1. WordPress
  2. Software introduction
  3. Plug-in template
  4. Pros and cons
  5. advantage
  6. Disadvantage
  7. Software functions
  8. Introduction
  9. Features
  10. Website construction process


