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SEO(SearchEngineOptimization):Chinesetranslationfor searchengine optimization. It’soneway:use searchengine rulestoimproveyour site ’s naturalranking withinrelevantsearchengines . Thepurposeistoletitoc...


SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Chinese translation for search engine optimization. It ’s one way: use search engine rules to improve your site ’s natural ranking within relevant search engines . The purpose is to let it occupy a leading position in the industry and obtain brand benefits. To a large extent, it is a business behavior of the website operator to move himself or his company forward.


Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is Search Engine Optimization. It analyzes the ranking rules of search engines, understands how various search engines search, how to crawl Internet pages, and how to determine the ranking of search results for specific keywords. Technology. Search engines use methods that are easy to be searched and cited to optimize the website in a targeted manner, improve the natural ranking of the website in the search engine, attract more users to the website, increase the number of website visits, and improve the sales ability and promotion of the website Ability to enhance the branding of your site.

The task of website search engine optimization is to understand and understand how other search engines grasp the webpage, how to index it, and how to determine search keywords, so as to optimize the content of this webpage and ensure that it can be consistent with users' browsing habits. A modern technology that improves the search engine rankings without affecting the experience of netizens, thereby increasing the number of visitors to the site, and ultimately improving the site's ability to promote or sell. Based on search engine optimization, in fact, in order to make search engines more acceptable to this website, search engines oft


  1. SEO
  2. Overview


