
长期建档 锁定
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  发展规模 注册资本伍仟万元人民币,并于2011年7月13日在市发展和委员会备案,是首批经省批准设立的私募股权投资基金管理公司之一。2011年7月28日公司在省股权托管中心托管,同时获得省产权交易中心会员席位。玄元基金立足,面向全国提供私募股权基金的发起、设立和管理、私人财富管理、资产配置和管理、兼并与收购、投资咨询、财务顾问、第三方金融平台、企业股权投融资(PE)等各项金融服务,为企业和个人寻...



注册资本伍仟万元人民币,并于2011年7月13日在市发展和委员会备案,是首批经省批准设立的私募股权投资基金管理公司之一。2011年7月28日公司在省股权托管中心托管,同时获得省产权交易中心会员席位。 玄元基金立足,面向全国提供私募股权基金的发起、设立和管理、私人财富管理、资产配置和管理、兼并与收购、投资咨询、财务顾问、第三方金融平台、企业股权投融资(PE)等各项金融服务,为企业和个人寻找财产和资本增长之为己任,在市场、企业和个人之间起到重要的桥梁作用,为法人和自然人的股权投资提供合理的退出管理机制,促进资本市场的良性发展。玄元基金团队具有成功的创业经历和丰富的投资经验,涉及金融、文化传媒旅游等众多领域,公司目前拥有员工20余名,全部具有本科以上学历,具有各种从业资质(产权经纪、证券、法律、财务等)的人员占80%。基金规模10亿元。玄元基金力争成为一个管理先进、责明晰、精诚团结、运转高效的私募基金管理公司。


公司将依据国家政策及地域优势,进一步融入国家环渤海湾经济圈的战略发展格局,通过整合资源,规范化发展,致力于协助优秀企业家和企业获得广阔的发展平台,在不远的将来与所投资的企业共同成为xxx行业的一流企业。公司将依托在美国注册并控股中国渤海金融投资基金有限公司开展海外业务,并力争3年实现NASDK主板上市的目标。 In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the ways of developing Hebei PE Industry, Hebei Xuanyuan PE fund management Co. Ltd.(Xuanyuan Fund Co. for short) was established in July, 2011 with a registered capital of fifty million RMB. Xuanyuan Fund has put on records in the Development and Reform Commission on 13th July, 2011 and it was one of the first batches of private equity investment fund management companies with the provincial governments endorsement. Xuan Yuan Fund was held in trust by Hebei Stock Depository Centre on 28th July, 2011 and simultaneously obtained a seat in Hebei Property Rights Exchange Centre. Based in Hebei and China-oriented, Xuan Yuan Fund provides financial services like initiation, establishment, and management of private equity funds, private wealth management, asset allocation and management, merger and acquisition, investment consultation, financial consultation, third-party financial platform, corporate equity investment and financing and so on. Xuan Yuan Fund commits to find the way of growing property and capital for companies and individuals, play an important role as a bridge among market, companies and individuals, provide appropriate withdrawal mechanism for legal and natural persons equity investment and promote the healthy development of capital markets. Xuan Yuan Fund Co. has successful business experience and rich investment experience which involve many fields, such as finance, culture, media, tourism, estate and etc. Xuanyuan Fund , with a fund assets of 1 billion yuan,has more than 20 employees, all of whom are bachelor degree holders and 80% of them have diverse qualifications (property broker, security, law, finance and etc).Xuanyuan Fund Co. strives to become a private equity fund management company which has advanced management system, clear responsibility and authority, good team work, good ith and efficient operation. The company will follow national policies, make use of geographical advantages, and further integrate into the strategic development pattern of Bohai Bay economic circle in our country. Through reallocating resources, standardizing development and assisting outstanding entrepreneurs and business to obtain a broad development platform, it will be a first-class enterprise in leading companies of industry together with investors companies in the near future. The company will rely on China Bohai Sea Capital Investment Fund Co. Ltd, registered and held in USA, to start overseas business, and strive to be listed onon NASDAQ Main-Board Market in 3 years. ...

