
本词条由“十万个Why” 建档。

Châteaul’Ermitagewasfoundedinthe12thcenturybythehermitsofSteCéciled’EstagelAbbay,whichislocated2kmawayfromtheDomain.ItissituatedonthepilgrimagerouteofSantiagodeCompostella. 静幽古堡的葡萄园最早起源于12世纪,当时居住此地的修道...

History of Chateau L’Ermitage 静幽古堡酒庄历史



  • Château l’Ermitage was founded in the 12th century by the hermits of Ste Cécile d’Estagel Abbay, which is located 2km away from the Domain. It is situated on the pilgrimage route of Santiago de Compostella.
  • 静幽古堡的葡萄园最早起源于12世纪,当时居住此地的修道士在此种葡萄,供给路过此地去朝拜的人们
  • The first cellar located on the estate was built around 1800.
  • 酒庄最早的酿酒窖建于1800年左右
  • Jérôme Castillon is the 9th generation of winemakers and the 3rd generation to own Chateau L’Ermitage. This year it is the 21st Harvest for Jerome and the 55th for his father.
  • 现酒庄主哲洛默-卡斯狄永是家族第9代的酒农,也是接手管理静幽古堡酒庄的第三代庄主
  • The cross that we find on Tradition bottles is the symbol of Ermitage Estate, the first trace of this cross goes back to the 17th century.
  • 酒瓶上的十字标志是静幽古堡的徽章,源于17世纪

Geographical location 地理位置

  • AOP Costières de Nimes
  • 静幽古堡酒庄所在的法定产区为尼姆山坡产区
  • AOP Costieres de Nimes is located in the southernmost of the Rhone Valley wine-growing areas, the 2nd French AOP area.
  • 尼姆山坡产区位于法国第二大AOP葡萄



Soils 土壤环境

  • The vineyard of Château l'Ermitage is located on deep soils of sandstone of the Rhone. The terroir is indeed enriched by the typical rolled pebbles found in the south of the Rhone Valley.
  • 静幽古堡葡萄园的土壤是由罗讷河和杜朗斯河带来的第四纪碎石组成。这种布满砾石的沉积层厚达5至15米,覆盖着从浅黄色到深红色的沙子和卵石。葡萄扎根很深,直至粘土层,因此在酷暑时节也能保证少量但规律的水分供给。鹅卵石独特的排水力在雨季则能够快速排出多余的水分。夏季,鹅卵石储存的热量加强了对流效果:黄昏吹过小卡玛格的清凉海风遇到沿着河岸上溯的热风,形成空气流通。这些微风的温和效果加强了日夜温差,能够保留葡萄酒当中清晰而纯净的果
  • The estate’s total surface covers 100 hectares, of which 80% are planted of vines and 20% are out of cultivation to help to regenerate the soils by rotation.
  • 酒庄总面积为100公顷,其中80%种有葡萄,另外的20%是荒地,轮流让土地更新再生,有利于重新种植。

Climate 气候

  • With more than 2,700 hours of sunshine each year, the Mediterranean climate is here characterised by a period of semi-drought lasting from June to the end of August. Rainfall is rare and tends to be concentrated in the form of violent autumn storms. The mistral blows strongly over the vines throughout the year, playing the role of a natural purifier.
  • 尼姆山坡每年的日照时间超过2700小时,这种地中海式气候体现为六月到八月末的干燥期。降雨稀少,集中在秋季,有时又大暴雨。强烈的密斯脱拉风全年吹过葡萄园,起到自然清洁的关键作用。
  • It has a southern exposure, overlooking the Camargue. In summer it enjoys a marine micro climate, this sea breeze helps preserve the freshness of wine and increase the aromatic palette of grape varieties. That does specially benefit to Syrah grapes, allowing to elaborate wines that preserve freshness and acidity, similarly to Syrah wines from the North of Rhone Valley. On the other hand, the Syrah grown in Languedoc nearby are much more heavy and candied, similarly to Australian Shiraz wines.
  • 酒庄葡萄园朝向向南。夏天时候享受独特的海洋微气候条件,海风给葡萄带来清爽并让不同品种的葡萄更好地展现其独特的香气。这种气候尤其有利于希拉葡萄的生长,酿制的红酒中希拉的体现近似于罗讷河谷北产区的希拉。而朗科多克栽种的希拉会有比较沉重的口感,近似于澳洲希拉。

Chateau L’Ermitage popularity 静幽古堡奖评

  • Since the last 10 years, Chateau L’Ermitage has benefited from a growing popularity and recognition amongst its peers, wine critics and wine lover all over the world.
  • 最近十年,静幽古堡深受全世界葡萄酒爱好者的喜爱,也不断赢得了专业酒评家的称赞,并在各种葡萄酒大赛中获奖。


  1. History of Chateau L’Ermitage 静幽古堡酒庄历史
  2. Geographical location 地理位置
  3. Soils 土壤环境
  4. Climate 气候
  5. Chateau L’Ermitage popularity 静幽古堡奖评


